2025-02-13 |
महामंडळाच्या औद्योगिक क्षेत्रातील भुखंड विकसीत करण्यासाठी मुदतवाढी संदर्भात विशेष मुदतवाढ योजना लागू करणेबाबत... |
2025-01-17 |
Regarding the circular on the improvements in the rights related to the plots of the corporation, the restructuring of the work in the Planning Department. |
2025-01-13 |
In line with the Maharashtra Electric Vehicle Policy 2021, the allocation of land on a priority basis for the establishment of electric vehicle manufacturing factories, Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) battery plants, spare parts for electric vehicles, their recycling plants, and charging stations for electric vehicles. |
2025-01-10 |
Delegation of Power -Appointment of SPA for 40 newly Indl.Areas 10.01.2025 |
2025-01-10 |
Amendments in rights related to allotment, transfer, consolidation, division, subleasing, extension, etc. of plots/sheds/godowns. |
2025-01-08 |
रत्नागिरी (झाडगाव) आणि रत्नागिरी (मिरजोळे) औद्योगिक क्षेत्र भूखंड वाटपाच्या दरात सुधारणा करणेबाबत. (RATE) |
2025-01-07 |
Approval of Extension in Exceptional Circumstances |
2025-01-02 |
Adobe Scan 02-Jan-2025 |
2025-01-02 |
Regarding the Reorganization of the Land Distribution Committee |
2025-01-01 |
Submission of Form B As Mandated under MFP & LSMA 2006 through Online SWC Portal of MIDC |
2025-01-01 |
Amending the Powers Regarding Allotment, Transfer, Consolidation, Division, Sub-leasing, and Extension of Plots / Sheds / Units, etc. |
2025-01-01 |
Submission of Form B As Mandated under Maharashtra Fire Prevention & Life Safety Measures Act 2006 through Online SWC Portal of MIDC |
2024-12-13 |
Revised Policy Regarding Distribution of Land / Shed / Stall |
2024-12-03 |
Streamlining Powers Related to Plot/Shed/Unit Allocation and Transfer, etc. |
2024-11-27 |
The extension of the deadline for the appointment of a co-developer for the development of the plot allocated in the IT sector. |
2024-11-26 |
Change in delegation of powers for MMC meetings |
2024-10-24 |
Bringing consistency in powers related to the allocation and transfer of plots/sheds/units, etc. |
2024-10-14 |
Regarding change of landuse / modification in layout of industrial arcas of MIDC. |
2024-10-14 |
Streamlining the powers related to the allocation and transfer of plots/sheds/gala, etc. |
2024-09-25 |
Regarding amedment in the present tender opening procedure in MIDC_SBD |
2024-09-19 |
Implementation of NIC e procurement Maha Tenders System in MIDC Organization for all tenders |
2024-09-06 |
Regarding the necessary related proceedings for operationalizing the Regional Officer MAUVIM Solapur office. |
2024-09-06 |
Regarding the necessary procedural actions for the implementation of the Regional Officer, MOWIM, Akola Office. |
2024-09-06 |
Regarding the necessary ancillary actions to be taken for the operationalization of the Regional Office, Mavim, Jalgaon. |
2024-09-06 |
Regarding the necessary ancillary actions to be taken for the operationalization of the Regional Office, Mavim, Baramati |
2024-09-06 |
Regarding the necessary related proceedings for operationalizing the Regional Officer, MAUVIM, Chandrapur office. |
2024-09-06 |
Regarding the necessary related proceedings for operationalizing the Regional Office, MAUVIM, Ahmednagar. |
2024-08-13 |
Regarding implementation of special extension scheme regarding extension of time for development of plots in industrial areas of the Corporation. |
2024-08-13 |
Procedure for allotment of plot from Amenity to Open Space. |
2024-08-13 |
Regarding giving time for payment of balance of premium (BOP) amount of the plot. |
2024-08-13 |
Regarding revising the rate of allotment of plots in Jamner Industrial Area District Jalgaon. |
2024-08-13 |
Makardhoka (Dist. Bhandara) regarding determination of rate of allotment of plot |
2024-08-13 |
Regarding extension of scheme period for revival of ITITES Nano Technology Bio-Tech Pharma Robotics Industries-4.0 as well as other important projects. |
2024-08-13 |
Guidelines for issuing permission for new alteration and addition |
2024-08-12 |
Revision in the Corporation's policy regarding Information Technology plots |
2024-04-16 |
Collection of Grampanchayat Tax from within MIDC Industrial Area |
2024-03-21 |
Transfer of exempted lands for industrial purposes under Section 20 of ULC Act in the jurisdiction of MIDC |
2024-03-15 |
Revision in the Corporation's policy regarding Information Technology plots |
2024-03-15 |
Revision of the Corporation's policy regarding Information Technology plots. |
2024-03-15 |
Regarding the implementation of plans for the revitalization of IT/ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Pharma, Robotics, Industries 4.0, IIT Township, Data Center, and other important projects, etc. |
2024-02-13 |
Suspension of allotment of plots to clusters in MMR area. |
2024-02-09 |
Revision in the rate of allotment of plots in Addl. Taloja Industrial Area Taluka- Panvel, Dist. Raigad |
2024-02-09 |
Revision in the rate of allotment of plots in Jambhivali Industrial Area Ambarnath District Thane |
2024-01-31 |
Notification issued by GoM on 12th January 2024 under Section 37 (1AA) (C) of MR & TP Act 1966 for the Modification in CDCPR2023 of MIDC |
2024-01-12 |
Revision in the policy regarding allotment of plots under the Priority Category (Space Research). |
2023-12-07 |
Guidelines for recovery of Compounding Charges for permitting Structures and regularizing already constructed structures in marginal open space for all plots in MIDC |
2023-12-01 |
Delegation of powers regarding allotment and transfer of plots, sheds, Gala etc. |
2023-12-01 |
Delegation of powers regarding allotment and transfer of plots, sheds, Gala etc. |
2023-12-01 |
Regarding determination of height limit of tall buildings in industrial areas of the Corporation |
2023-12-01 |
Regarding preference in allotment of plots to industries in C and D+ divisions of the Corporation. |
2023-12-01 |
Regarding powers of grating additional FSI as per CDCPR-2023 for various land uses permissible on plots in MIDC. |
2023-12-01 |
Determination of height limit of tall buildings in industrial areas of the Corporation |
2023-11-30 |
Fixing the rate of allotment of plots on additional Amravati PM Mitra Textile Park |
2023-11-30 |
Fixing the rate of allotment of plots in Pavani Small Industrial Area District Bhandara |
2023-11-24 |
Regarding implementation of special extension scheme regarding extension of time for development of plots in industrial area of the Corporation. |
2023-11-22 |
Regarding levy of difference amount based on FSI on mat index for transfer of plot shed silt |
2023-11-22 |
Regarding extension of the development period of the plot in case of attaining the status of Vishal Super-Various Project |
2023-10-23 |
Regarding amendment of the prescribed form of Preliminary Agreement 23.10.2023 |
2023-05-12 |
Regarding extension of deadline for payment of Balance of Premium-BOP |
2023-05-12 |
Regarding development enhancement of plots affected in various industrial areas of MIDC |
2023-05-10 |
Allocation of plot for E- vehicle charging stations by commercial rates under priority. |
2023-01-23 |
Regarding the implementation of a special extension plan for granting an extension period to develop plots in the industrial areas of the Corporation. |
2023-01-23 |
Regarding the implementation of plans for the revitalization of IT/ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Pharma, Robotics, Industries 4.0, IIT Township, Data Center, and other important projects, etc. |
2022-08-11 |
Standard Operating Process which is to be adopted in NCLT Matters (Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code-2016) |
2022-05-25 |
Policy regarding various support activity uses permisible in the industrial areas of MIDC as per DCR-2009 |
2022-03-17 |
Policy regarding support activity uses permissible in the industrial areas of MIDC as per DCR-2009 |
2022-01-10 |
Policy regarding various support activity uses permissible in the industrial areas of MIDC as per DCR-2009. |
2021-12-29 |
Regarding granting free of cost extension to the entrepreneurs in view of the Corona virus (Civid-19) pandemic. |
2021-12-29 |
Regarding extension of planning period for the revival of IT / ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Robotics, Industries-4.0, IIT Township, Data Center and other important projects, etc. in view of Covid-19. |
2021-12-27 |
Industrial Redevelopment Policy 2021 |
2021-11-26 |
Regarding allotment of plots to micro and small entrepreneurs under MSME category on a priority basis. |
2021-11-26 |
In the backdrop of the global pandemic caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19), plans for the revival of important projects like IT/ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Robotics, Industries 4.0, IIT Township, Data Center, and other significant projects... |
2021-08-02 |
Regarding developing the remaining area of the plot in the matter where the building completion certificate (BCC) was obtained by carrying out less than 40% construction on the plot as per the DC rules of MIDC. |
2021-06-30 |
Regarding the lands allotted for industrial purposes under section 20 of Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976 in the jurisdiction of Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation. |
2021-06-17 |
Regarding preferential allotment of plots to the India companies in view of new investments in Maharashtra. |
2021-06-17 |
Regarding refund / adjustment of additional amount paid to the plot owners as sub rent as well as refund of amount paid as transfer and sublease. |
2021-05-24 |
Plans for revival of IT/ ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Robotics, Industries-4.0, IIT Township, Data Center and other important projects with the context of global contagion of Corona virus (Covid-19). |
2021-05-24 |
Regarding the extension of time granted to the entrepreneurs for payment of various fees without late charges in view of the increasing prevalence of Coronavirus (Covid-19) and other matters. |
2021-03-16 |
Regarding preferential allotment of plots to industries in |
2021-03-16 |
Schemes for revival of important projects such as IT/ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Robotics, Industries-4.0, IIT Township, Data Centre in view of Corona virus (COVID-19) global pandemic. |
2021-03-16 |
Regarding converting commercial plots for their allotment for industrial purposes. |
2020-12-04 |
Procedures to be followed for allotment of plots for Industrial Expansion |
2020-12-01 |
Plans for revival of IT/ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Robotics, industries-4.0, IIT Township, Data Center as well as other important projects, against the backdrop of Coronavirus(Covid-19) global pandemic epidemic…. |
2020-12-01 |
Regarding the development of entrepreneurs whose investment in the project is Rs. 500 crore and above in Sections "A" and "B". |
2020-11-25 |
Regarding allotment of land for Information Technology building under the jurisdiction of MIDC. |
2020-11-25 |
Extension of circulars regarding appointment of co-developer for development of allotted plots in Information Technology parks. |
2020-11-11 |
Considering the growing prevalence of Coronavirus (Covid-19), extension of time without delay-charges for payment of various fees to entrepreneurs as well as approval of free-aid extension and other matters.. |
2020-10-22 |
Considering the growing prevalence of Coronavirus (Covid-19), an extension of time without delay-charges for payment of various fees to entrepreneurs as well as approval of free-aid extension and other matters. |
2020-08-24 |
Conversion of industrial plots in the Industrial Area of MIDC into commercial plots. |
2020-07-03 |
Regarding changes in the companys share capital as per Securities and Exchange Board of India (Real Estate Investment Trust) rules. |
2020-07-01 |
Considering the increasing prevalence of Coronavirus (Covid-19), extension of time without delay charges for payment of various fees to the entrepreneurs and sanction of free-aid extension. |
2020-07-01 |
Revised plot allocation policy |
2020-03-11 |
Procedures to be followed for allotment of plots for Industrial Expansion |
2020-01-01 |
Regarding encroachment on the premises of Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation. |
2019-11-27 |
After allowing micro and small enterprises to construct slums, 20% of them will be charged for industrial rates instead of commercial rates for transfer / conversion of slums built under subsidiary services... |
2019-11-27 |
Sub-lease up to 10% of the land allotted for automobile industry under mega project in industrial area. |
2019-11-27 |
Building Completion Certificate (BCC) has been obtained by constructing less than 40% of the plot as per the development control regulations of the corporation, in which case the remaining area of the plot is to be developed. |
2019-09-26 |
Regarding Sub-letting of space in the building of Information Technology |
2019-09-13 |
Procedures to be followed for allotment of plots for Industrial Expansion. |
2019-09-11 |
Regarding revision of transfer guidelines… |
2019-08-20 |
Regarding allotment of plots on priority basis to Vendors of mega and ultra mega projects. |
2019-06-25 |
Regarding Sub-letting of space in the building of Information Technology Park. |
2019-06-21 |
To improve the development period of the plot with an area up to 20000 sq. m |
2019-06-21 |
About giving development period after allotment of land.. |
2019-06-21 |
Regarding reclamation of plots with construction done temporarily in order to obtain Construction Completion Certificate. |
2019-06-21 |
Building Completion Certificate (BCC) has been obtained by constructing less than 40% of the plot as per the Development Control Regulations of MIDC, in which case the remaining area of the plot is to be developed. |
2019-06-17 |
To allow transfer of land allotted for industrial expansion or original plot before a period of 5 years. |
2019-06-07 |
Revised policy on allotment of plots for expansion of industry ... |
2019-06-07 |
To amend the policy regarding allotment of plots for industrial expansion in the metropolitan area or for the entrepreneurs in the metropolitan regional development plan area. |
2019-05-31 |
Regarding implementation of Special Extension Scheme in respect of extension for development of plots in the Industrial Area of MIDC. |
2019-03-01 |
Regarding allotment of plots under MSME category for micro and small entrepreneurs ... |
2019-02-28 |
Regarding allotment of plots to shed / floor holders for industrial expansion. |
2019-01-25 |
Regarding the appointment of co-developer for development of PMP plots allotted for aggregate / group under project affected area. |
2019-01-11 |
Regarding allotment of plots to industrial group in “D” and “D+” segment. |
2019-01-08 |
Procedure for charging extension fee while approving extension.. |
2018-12-31 |
Regarding giving priority to allotment of plots to industries in the industrial areas of |
2018-12-18 |
Regarding the appointment of co-developers for the development of allotted plots in the Information Technology Park |
2018-07-20 |
Regarding non-penalty extension sanctioned for plots where production has started without obtaining Building Completion Certificate for the building constructed on the plot. |
2018-03-15 |
Concerning the change in shareholder in the same family / blood relation. |
2017-11-03 |
Regarding revision of extension policy for development of plots… (third extension) |
2017-09-15 |
Regarding giving priority in allotment of plots to industries with an investment of over Rs.100 crore in the industrial sector “D and D+” of MIDC.… |
2017-06-13 |
About rates including late charges.. |
2017-06-08 |
Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015 Regarding action to be taken in case of Subleted for unlicensed industrial purpose |
2017-04-21 |
About granting extension in exceptional circumstances |
2017-04-13 |
Regarding giving priority to allotment of plots in the area of Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation to Micro, Small Enterprise-Industrial Group (MSE-CDP). |
2016-11-15 |
In addition to the plots or units in the IT park at Marol, Thane (Wagle Estate) and TTC Industrial Area, regarding transfer / sub-lease/ sub-let or permission for change of use.. |
2016-10-26 |
Conversion of Corporations IT building to a purpose other than IT |
2016-09-27 |
Regarding appointment of Co-developers for the development of allotted plots in Information Technology Park. |
2016-09-06 |
Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015 Industrial Expansion Plots with Priority Chair |
2016-09-06 |
Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015 (Industrial Plot) Period Regarding extension till 31.08.2017 |
2016-08-08 |
Obtaining No Objection Certificate from Labor Commissioner for change, development, sale/ transfer of land use of closed establishments/ companies/ factories/ mills in the industrial area of MIDC … |
2016-03-14 |
Regarding extension of 3 months period for implementation of Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015 |
2016-01-12 |
Regarding re-sublimation of building space in the subleased building / redevelopment of space in the same plot or permission to rent out. |
2015-12-30 |
Regarding development of plots in Information Technology Park through privatedevelopers. |
2015-11-17 |
Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015 Regarding action to be taken in case of sub-rent for unlicensed industrial purposes |
2015-10-23 |
Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015Special Extension Scheme for Development of Industrial Plots |
2015-10-21 |
Regarding extension of special concession scheme for development period |
2015-09-08 |
Regarding non-penalty extension sanctioned for plots where production has started without obtaining Building Completion Certificate for the building constructed on the plot. |
2015-06-29 |
Cancel the allotment of the plot and return the amount due |
2015-06-01 |
Regarding extension of development period for plots allotted to projects with foreign investment |
2015-05-27 |
Regarding application of development period and transfer charges after redevelopment/subdivision of a plot with Building Completion Certificate (BCC) |
2015-05-11 |
Appointment by Co-developer for development of allotted plot in Information Technology Park |
2014-02-05 |
Regarding extension of development period of plots allotted for Large, Ultra-large Projects. |