Date Of Issue Subject English Marathi
2025-02-13 महामंडळाच्या औद्योगिक क्षेत्रातील भुखंड विकसीत करण्यासाठी मुदतवाढी संदर्भात विशेष मुदतवाढ योजना लागू करणेबाबत...
2025-01-17 Regarding the circular on the improvements in the rights related to the plots of the corporation, the restructuring of the work in the Planning Department.
2025-01-13 In line with the Maharashtra Electric Vehicle Policy 2021, the allocation of land on a priority basis for the establishment of electric vehicle manufacturing factories, Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) battery plants, spare parts for electric vehicles, their recycling plants, and charging stations for electric vehicles.
2025-01-10 Delegation of Power -Appointment of SPA for 40 newly Indl.Areas 10.01.2025
2025-01-10 Amendments in rights related to allotment, transfer, consolidation, division, subleasing, extension, etc. of plots/sheds/godowns.
2025-01-08 रत्नागिरी (झाडगाव) आणि रत्नागिरी (मिरजोळे) औद्योगिक क्षेत्र भूखंड वाटपाच्या दरात सुधारणा करणेबाबत. (RATE)
2025-01-07 Approval of Extension in Exceptional Circumstances
2025-01-02 Adobe Scan 02-Jan-2025
2025-01-02 Regarding the Reorganization of the Land Distribution Committee
2025-01-01 Submission of Form B As Mandated under MFP & LSMA 2006 through Online SWC Portal of MIDC
2025-01-01 Amending the Powers Regarding Allotment, Transfer, Consolidation, Division, Sub-leasing, and Extension of Plots / Sheds / Units, etc.
2025-01-01 Submission of Form B As Mandated under Maharashtra Fire Prevention & Life Safety Measures Act 2006 through Online SWC Portal of MIDC
2024-12-13 Revised Policy Regarding Distribution of Land / Shed / Stall
2024-12-03 Streamlining Powers Related to Plot/Shed/Unit Allocation and Transfer, etc.
2024-11-27 The extension of the deadline for the appointment of a co-developer for the development of the plot allocated in the IT sector.
2024-11-26 Change in delegation of powers for MMC meetings
2024-10-24 Bringing consistency in powers related to the allocation and transfer of plots/sheds/units, etc.
2024-10-14 Regarding change of landuse / modification in layout of industrial arcas of MIDC.
2024-10-14 Streamlining the powers related to the allocation and transfer of plots/sheds/gala, etc.
2024-09-25 Regarding amedment in the present tender opening procedure in MIDC_SBD
2024-09-19 Implementation of NIC e procurement Maha Tenders System in MIDC Organization for all tenders
2024-09-06 Regarding the necessary related proceedings for operationalizing the Regional Officer MAUVIM Solapur office.
2024-09-06 Regarding the necessary procedural actions for the implementation of the Regional Officer, MOWIM, Akola Office.
2024-09-06 Regarding the necessary ancillary actions to be taken for the operationalization of the Regional Office, Mavim, Jalgaon.
2024-09-06 Regarding the necessary ancillary actions to be taken for the operationalization of the Regional Office, Mavim, Baramati
2024-09-06 Regarding the necessary related proceedings for operationalizing the Regional Officer, MAUVIM, Chandrapur office.
2024-09-06 Regarding the necessary related proceedings for operationalizing the Regional Office, MAUVIM, Ahmednagar.
2024-08-13 Regarding implementation of special extension scheme regarding extension of time for development of plots in industrial areas of the Corporation.
2024-08-13 Procedure for allotment of plot from Amenity to Open Space.
2024-08-13 Regarding giving time for payment of balance of premium (BOP) amount of the plot.
2024-08-13 Regarding revising the rate of allotment of plots in Jamner Industrial Area District Jalgaon.
2024-08-13 Makardhoka (Dist. Bhandara) regarding determination of rate of allotment of plot
2024-08-13 Regarding extension of scheme period for revival of ITITES Nano Technology Bio-Tech Pharma Robotics Industries-4.0 as well as other important projects.
2024-08-13 Guidelines for issuing permission for new alteration and addition
2024-08-12 Revision in the Corporation's policy regarding Information Technology plots
2024-04-16 Collection of Grampanchayat Tax from within MIDC Industrial Area
2024-03-21 Transfer of exempted lands for industrial purposes under Section 20 of ULC Act in the jurisdiction of MIDC
2024-03-15 Revision in the Corporation's policy regarding Information Technology plots
2024-03-15 Revision of the Corporation's policy regarding Information Technology plots.
2024-03-15 Regarding the implementation of plans for the revitalization of IT/ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Pharma, Robotics, Industries 4.0, IIT Township, Data Center, and other important projects, etc.
2024-02-13 Suspension of allotment of plots to clusters in MMR area.
2024-02-09 Revision in the rate of allotment of plots in Addl. Taloja Industrial Area Taluka- Panvel, Dist. Raigad
2024-02-09 Revision in the rate of allotment of plots in Jambhivali Industrial Area Ambarnath District Thane
2024-01-31 Notification issued by GoM on 12th January 2024 under Section 37 (1AA) (C) of MR & TP Act 1966 for the Modification in CDCPR2023 of MIDC
2024-01-12 Revision in the policy regarding allotment of plots under the Priority Category (Space Research).
2023-12-07 Guidelines for recovery of Compounding Charges for permitting Structures and regularizing already constructed structures in marginal open space for all plots in MIDC
2023-12-01 Delegation of powers regarding allotment and transfer of plots, sheds, Gala etc.
2023-12-01 Delegation of powers regarding allotment and transfer of plots, sheds, Gala etc.
2023-12-01 Regarding determination of height limit of tall buildings in industrial areas of the Corporation
2023-12-01 Regarding preference in allotment of plots to industries in C and D+ divisions of the Corporation.
2023-12-01 Regarding powers of grating additional FSI as per CDCPR-2023 for various land uses permissible on plots in MIDC.
2023-12-01 Determination of height limit of tall buildings in industrial areas of the Corporation
2023-11-30 Fixing the rate of allotment of plots on additional Amravati PM Mitra Textile Park
2023-11-30 Fixing the rate of allotment of plots in Pavani Small Industrial Area District Bhandara
2023-11-24 Regarding implementation of special extension scheme regarding extension of time for development of plots in industrial area of ​​the Corporation.
2023-11-22 Regarding levy of difference amount based on FSI on mat index for transfer of plot shed silt
2023-11-22 Regarding extension of the development period of the plot in case of attaining the status of Vishal Super-Various Project
2023-10-23 Regarding amendment of the prescribed form of Preliminary Agreement 23.10.2023
2023-05-12 Regarding extension of deadline for payment of Balance of Premium-BOP
2023-05-12 Regarding development enhancement of plots affected in various industrial areas of MIDC
2023-05-10 Allocation of plot for E- vehicle charging stations by commercial rates under priority.
2023-01-23 Regarding the implementation of a special extension plan for granting an extension period to develop plots in the industrial areas of the Corporation.
2023-01-23 Regarding the implementation of plans for the revitalization of IT/ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Pharma, Robotics, Industries 4.0, IIT Township, Data Center, and other important projects, etc.
2022-08-11 Standard Operating Process which is to be adopted in NCLT Matters (Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code-2016)
2022-05-25 Policy regarding various support activity uses permisible in the industrial areas of MIDC as per DCR-2009
2022-03-17 Policy regarding support activity uses permissible in the industrial areas of MIDC as per DCR-2009
2022-01-10 Policy regarding various support activity uses permissible in the industrial areas of MIDC as per DCR-2009.
2021-12-29 Regarding granting free of cost extension to the entrepreneurs in view of the Corona virus (Civid-19) pandemic.
2021-12-29 Regarding extension of planning period for the revival of IT / ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Robotics, Industries-4.0, IIT Township, Data Center and other important projects, etc. in view of Covid-19.
2021-12-27 Industrial Redevelopment Policy 2021
2021-11-26 Regarding allotment of plots to micro and small entrepreneurs under MSME category on a priority basis.
2021-11-26 In the backdrop of the global pandemic caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19), plans for the revival of important projects like IT/ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Robotics, Industries 4.0, IIT Township, Data Center, and other significant projects...
2021-08-02 Regarding developing the remaining area of the plot in the matter where the building completion certificate (BCC) was obtained by carrying out less than 40% construction on the plot as per the DC rules of MIDC.
2021-06-30 Regarding the lands allotted for industrial purposes under section 20 of Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976 in the jurisdiction of Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation.
2021-06-17 Regarding preferential allotment of plots to the India companies in view of new investments in Maharashtra.
2021-06-17 Regarding refund / adjustment of additional amount paid to the plot owners as sub rent as well as refund of amount paid as transfer and sublease.
2021-05-24 Plans for revival of IT/ ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Robotics, Industries-4.0, IIT Township, Data Center and other important projects with the context of global contagion of Corona virus (Covid-19).
2021-05-24 Regarding the extension of time granted to the entrepreneurs for payment of various fees without late charges in view of the increasing prevalence of Coronavirus (Covid-19) and other matters.
2021-03-16 Regarding preferential allotment of plots to industries in
2021-03-16 Schemes for revival of important projects such as IT/ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Robotics, Industries-4.0, IIT Township, Data Centre in view of Corona virus (COVID-19) global pandemic.
2021-03-16 Regarding converting commercial plots for their allotment for industrial purposes.
2020-12-04 Procedures to be followed for allotment of plots for Industrial Expansion
2020-12-01 Plans for revival of IT/ITES, Nano Technology, Bio-Tech, Robotics, industries-4.0, IIT Township, Data Center as well as other important projects, against the backdrop of Coronavirus(Covid-19) global pandemic epidemic….
2020-12-01 Regarding the development of entrepreneurs whose investment in the project is Rs. 500 crore and above in Sections "A" and "B".
2020-11-25 Regarding allotment of land for Information Technology building under the jurisdiction of MIDC.
2020-11-25 Extension of circulars regarding appointment of co-developer for development of allotted plots in Information Technology parks.
2020-11-11 Considering the growing prevalence of Coronavirus (Covid-19), extension of time without delay-charges for payment of various fees to entrepreneurs as well as approval of free-aid extension and other matters..
2020-10-22 Considering the growing prevalence of Coronavirus (Covid-19), an extension of time without delay-charges for payment of various fees to entrepreneurs as well as approval of free-aid extension and other matters.
2020-08-24 Conversion of industrial plots in the Industrial Area of MIDC into commercial plots.
2020-07-03 Regarding changes in the companys share capital as per Securities and Exchange Board of India (Real Estate Investment Trust) rules.
2020-07-01 Considering the increasing prevalence of Coronavirus (Covid-19), extension of time without delay charges for payment of various fees to the entrepreneurs and sanction of free-aid extension.
2020-07-01 Revised plot allocation policy
2020-03-11 Procedures to be followed for allotment of plots for Industrial Expansion
2020-01-01 Regarding encroachment on the premises of Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation.
2019-11-27 After allowing micro and small enterprises to construct slums, 20% of them will be charged for industrial rates instead of commercial rates for transfer / conversion of slums built under subsidiary services...
2019-11-27 Sub-lease up to 10% of the land allotted for automobile industry under mega project in industrial area.
2019-11-27 Building Completion Certificate (BCC) has been obtained by constructing less than 40% of the plot as per the development control regulations of the corporation, in which case the remaining area of the plot is to be developed.
2019-09-26 Regarding Sub-letting of space in the building of Information Technology
2019-09-13 Procedures to be followed for allotment of plots for Industrial Expansion.
2019-09-11 Regarding revision of transfer guidelines…
2019-08-20 Regarding allotment of plots on priority basis to Vendors of mega and ultra mega projects.
2019-06-25 Regarding Sub-letting of space in the building of Information Technology Park.
2019-06-21 To improve the development period of the plot with an area up to 20000 sq. m
2019-06-21 About giving development period after allotment of land..
2019-06-21 Regarding reclamation of plots with construction done temporarily in order to obtain Construction Completion Certificate.
2019-06-21 Building Completion Certificate (BCC) has been obtained by constructing less than 40% of the plot as per the Development Control Regulations of MIDC, in which case the remaining area of the plot is to be developed.
2019-06-17 To allow transfer of land allotted for industrial expansion or original plot before a period of 5 years.
2019-06-07 Revised policy on allotment of plots for expansion of industry ...
2019-06-07 To amend the policy regarding allotment of plots for industrial expansion in the metropolitan area or for the entrepreneurs in the metropolitan regional development plan area.
2019-05-31 Regarding implementation of Special Extension Scheme in respect of extension for development of plots in the Industrial Area of MIDC.
2019-03-01 Regarding allotment of plots under MSME category for micro and small entrepreneurs ...
2019-02-28 Regarding allotment of plots to shed / floor holders for industrial expansion.
2019-01-25 Regarding the appointment of co-developer for development of PMP plots allotted for aggregate / group under project affected area.
2019-01-11 Regarding allotment of plots to industrial group in “D” and “D+” segment.
2019-01-08 Procedure for charging extension fee while approving extension..
2018-12-31 Regarding giving priority to allotment of plots to industries in the industrial areas of
2018-12-18 Regarding the appointment of co-developers for the development of allotted plots in the Information Technology Park
2018-07-20 Regarding non-penalty extension sanctioned for plots where production has started without obtaining Building Completion Certificate for the building constructed on the plot.
2018-03-15 Concerning the change in shareholder in the same family / blood relation.
2017-11-03 Regarding revision of extension policy for development of plots… (third extension)
2017-09-15 Regarding giving priority in allotment of plots to industries with an investment of over Rs.100 crore in the industrial sector “D and D+” of MIDC.…
2017-06-13 About rates including late charges..
2017-06-08 Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015 Regarding action to be taken in case of Subleted for unlicensed industrial purpose
2017-04-21 About granting extension in exceptional circumstances
2017-04-13 Regarding giving priority to allotment of plots in the area of Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation to Micro, Small Enterprise-Industrial Group (MSE-CDP).
2016-11-15 In addition to the plots or units in the IT park at Marol, Thane (Wagle Estate) and TTC Industrial Area, regarding transfer / sub-lease/ sub-let or permission for change of use..
2016-10-26 Conversion of Corporations IT building to a purpose other than IT
2016-09-27 Regarding appointment of Co-developers for the development of allotted plots in Information Technology Park.
2016-09-06 Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015 Industrial Expansion Plots with Priority Chair
2016-09-06 Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015 (Industrial Plot) Period Regarding extension till 31.08.2017
2016-08-08 Obtaining No Objection Certificate from Labor Commissioner for change, development, sale/ transfer of land use of closed establishments/ companies/ factories/ mills in the industrial area of MIDC …
2016-03-14 Regarding extension of 3 months period for implementation of Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015
2016-01-12 Regarding re-sublimation of building space in the subleased building / redevelopment of space in the same plot or permission to rent out.
2015-12-30 Regarding development of plots in Information Technology Park through privatedevelopers.
2015-11-17 Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015 Regarding action to be taken in case of sub-rent for unlicensed industrial purposes
2015-10-23 Udyog Sanjeevani Yojana-2015Special Extension Scheme for Development of Industrial Plots
2015-10-21 Regarding extension of special concession scheme for development period
2015-09-08 Regarding non-penalty extension sanctioned for plots where production has started without obtaining Building Completion Certificate for the building constructed on the plot.
2015-06-29 Cancel the allotment of the plot and return the amount due
2015-06-01 Regarding extension of development period for plots allotted to projects with foreign investment
2015-05-27 Regarding application of development period and transfer charges after redevelopment/subdivision of a plot with Building Completion Certificate (BCC)
2015-05-11 Appointment by Co-developer for development of allotted plot in Information Technology Park
2014-02-05 Regarding extension of development period of plots allotted for Large, Ultra-large Projects.

Sanjay Khuteta

Frontline Roll Forms Pvt Ltd

We are working with MIDC Consultants since 2019. My experience of working with them is fantastic. Transparency & Commitment is their hallmark. They go out of the way to satisfy the need of the customer. Client is at the center of everything MIDC Consultants do.



We have never seen such a Wonderful team working round the clock for Customer Service & satisfaction . The service Charges charged are very competitive & lowest in the Industry If there is a Benchmark for Service in Industrial Plots it is MIDC Consultants.


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